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Anna Kaye, MA, LPC, NCC, CST
    Couples Counseling
    Sex Therapy

Sexual energy is a powerful force in our lives.

At its best it can create a togetherness like nothing else. In addition to connectedness with our partners, it can bring us feelings of deep fulfillment, inner peace, self-acceptance, and overall well-being – that "healthy glow" we hear so much about. Sexuality can be a profoundly sustaining force in our lives, even a healing force at times.

But sexuality can also become a source of frustration, division, alienation, anger, self-rejection, and ill-being. Particularly as we go through various changes in our lives, our sexual energy can change in unexpected and confusing ways.

Sexual issues often come to the fore in couples counseling, but they can be equally important to people living outside a relationship.

In addition to my training as a counselor and psychotherapist, I am also a trained and certified sex therapist. I feel a strong commitment to sexual well-being as a component of overall wholeness and wellness.

Offsite link: ► My Separate Site About Sex Therapy

Issues which clients often want to discuss include:

  • lack or loss of sexual interest in a partner
  • reconciling differences
  • lack of self-confidence
  • sexual trust
  • overcoming inhibition, fears, discomfort
  • overcoming negative attitudes and messages
  • clarifying wants, needs, expectations
  • negotiating mutual satisfaction
  • resentment
  • feelings about inexperience or past behavior
  • feelings about past negative experiences
  • finding new expressions of sexuality
  • rediscovering sexual energy
  • looking for spark, renewal
  • understanding impulses
  • sexually compulsive behavior
  • self-acceptance
  • self-exploration
  • attitudes about erotica, pornography
  • body-image issues
  • orientation and gender issues
  • coming-out
  • post-childbirth, post-operational, post-illness
  • sex and disabilities

As an experienced sex therapist, I provide the opportunity to discuss these or other topics in a relaxed, non-medical, non-judgmental setting at your own pace. I can help you establish a comfort level in discussing sexuality. Many clients find that it is a huge relief finally to talk about worries and concerns like these with an understanding, sympathetic, well-informed professional who can talk easily and naturally about sexual matters.

 < Couples Counseling

Anna Kaye, MA, LPC, CST-S, NCC • (404) 549-5151
Individual, Couples, and Sex Therapy
34 Lenox Pointe NE, Atlanta, GA 30324

© 2024 Anna Kaye Associates, Inc.